Hey Guys! Anybody there??
I'm moving over to Southernboyrambles.com.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Pecan or Pecan
Most of my youth, and some of my adulthood, was spent on a small dairy farm. At the time 316 acres seemed a giant of a place with fields, pastures, uncut woods, small streams (I still call them creeks), the barnyard and outbuildings and, of course, the old house we called home.
In front... the front yard naturally, with a front porch and the living room which was a little hard to understand to me because it was reserved for visitors and Christmas.
on the west side back was the "Back door" which opened into the kitchen and was always the point of entry into the house. For one thing it was closest to the driveway and more importantly to the dairy barn and every thing that happened.
Directly across the driveway was three of the best things about living on a farm.
Two old pecan trees and one walnut tree forming a triangle all of which were huge and possible planted in the late 1800's. They all three forked about 5 or 6 feet off the ground and were linked on two of the triangle sides with clothes line wire.
It was a magical place to play in when the sheets were hung on the line. I could imagine myself anywhere my young mind could conceive.
Not every year, but, maybe every 3rd year the pecan trees would be loaded with nuts. The walnut tree was sort of old fashioned and steadily provide black walnuts every year. But the pecan trees were special.
For one thing, well.. the every 3rd year thing, but mostly because of the fun of eating those wonderful nuts. And besides, the pecans were a lot easier to crack.
You see the walnuts would drop in their thick green husk which then turned black and would stain your skin clothes or anything else they came in contact with. So you either had to wait until that had decayed and then you could smack the nut with a hammer, or a rock if that was handy. And then you better have a nail flattened on the end ( 8 penny nails were a perfect size. While the pecan husks would open while on the tree and then drop those brown and black striped nuts which my mom and dad could crack easily in their hands and the meat would almost naturally fall out in two halves. (better not use too much force though, or you'd crush the halves and would have to hunt and peck for the pieces.
It was a great time to be young and alive.
But, for all my 60 some odd years the controversy has raged. Even before that and I'm sure even long into the future.
How do you pronounce the word Pecan?
I personally say pa Khan and others say Pee can.
Each looks at the other as being backwoods or unlettered, perhaps putting on airs in an effort to be seen as superior to the other as if it were a matter of world shaking importance. Perhaps ranking up there with whether to get a tattoo or not, maybe even as high as whether your drive a Ford or a Chevy.
Maybe it doesn't really matter.
Maybe it really only matters if you eat them in your brownies or your scrumptious paKahn pie!
Posted by
2:25 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Why do I feel so confused?
Did I take my happy pills this morning?
Have you found yourself asking questions like these of late? Does down seem up and up seem down to you? WTH is going on here? Why don't I trust politicians or the msm as much as I used to. Do you find yourself asking people, "What would uncle Walter Cronkite do"?
Weren't we getting along with the Russians just a little while ago? Didn't we say we would wipe ISIS from the scene?
Did I go to sleep 5 years ago and wake to find the world inside out?
Weren't we supposed to find that our health insurance premiums would go down $2500? With a better benefit package and all at the same Dr. as before?
Folks, I have deliberately tried to distance myself from the world a bit. Sit back and let it go on it's merry way. Listen to the social engineers and be happy with the new found peace and contentment in my life.
Perhaps you too might be feeling a bit light headed after reading headlines like these,
I don't know about you, but, I'm beginning to wonder if there is any sanity left, or,
Maybe I need to talk to the doc about getting my dosage increased!
Posted by
1:24 PM
Sunday, October 02, 2016
White House wants to add new racial category
Check out their spurious reasoning here:
Posted by
8:10 AM
Friday, September 16, 2016
Posted by
8:31 PM
Sunday, May 31, 2015
And sometimes stuff happens
A quiet day here in the pecan orchard. Eschewing church for the opportunity to wash, dry and fold some laundry..........floors got mopped the deck cleared of oak detritus the tree rats insist on causing to fall.
The old spotted dog even got washed. Which came as quiet a surprise to her.
When the cabin fever got too bad I drove over to a buddy's and helped him put a new radiator in a Crown Vic he's been trying to get running, while waiting for a title to be found. Nice former police care but hasn't been running in a while. Supposedly all that was wrong with it was the radiator was leaking. Based solely on the fact that it over heated on a drive to town. And the previous owner telling the same story.
Anyhoo the radiator got changed out with only a small amount of skin and blood lost.
Crank the Car. Start filling radiator...........everything sounds good........but it sure seems to take a lot of water. Look under the car to see if anything can be seen.
Water running out as fast as going in. Oh, probably heater core he thinks. So we bypass the heater core. Surely this will fix it. Try it again.......
Probably a cracked block.....
I quietly exit the neighborhood before he can get it jacked up and goes ballistic.
Sometimes you just don't get a break.
Posted by
8:24 PM
Saturday, May 30, 2015
First tentative steps back into the Interwebz
Welcome back to the world of the semi-concious. Just over two years have passed since I put anything out to the world. Lots has gone on. Most of it not worth explaining.
Couple of things stick out:
1. I don't care to be a part of the populace that keeps the current system in place as far as my God-given rights are concerned. I'll watch and perhaps comment if I just can't help myself, but, for the most part, consider what happens in Washington, DC, HollyshitWood, and things reported by the MSM as something beneath notice most days.
2. I'll try to give you a taste of rural life and the efforts I'm making to make things grow around here.
Posted by
11:19 AM