Sunday, November 11, 2007

No Words

They're for the most part meaningless.

Just Tears.

And a remembrance that for every minute of every hour of this 24 hour period, 40 young men, and some women, of all races, creeds and colors, died in a far off distant land that was our war.
And so many others in other wars that supposedly protected or furthered the interests of this country.

You may not recognize them on the street, they look much as you or I, but if you could see inside their eyes, for only a brief moment, your outlook would be changed forever.

A most heart felt thank you to all Veterans who served, some to the last drop of devotation within their hearts, and especially to those who remain.

Thank YOU.


Jean said...

'no words'?......oh, yes, my friend. These were, indeed, beautiful words.

I am here to thank YOU!

Kat said...

and, thank YOU, my almost neighbor... from my patch of kudzu to yours... thank you.

Sparrow said...

That was lovely. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I too thank you for your service to our country and all that you mean to our family. Love ya brother

US said...

Thank you for your service, Uncle.

kdzu said...

And Thank you for yours, neice.

Anonymous said...

..... sir, you are a beloved vet...... thank you for your service.....
