In just less than 7 months I'll (should I be so lucky) be 62 years old. Won't be long before I can retire to a life of luxuries afforded by the addition of social security payments to our income.
Not that I'm counting on that.
For the past 42 years I've taken way too much pride (one of the churches 7 deadly sins) in being an american......a veteran and a citizen of the USA.
This Memorial Day weekend while remembering friend and comrades, amongst all the many other causalities of all the conflicts involved in founding and keeping this Nation Under God, I also grieve for those who are now being slaughtered by those who supposedly 'protect and serve'.
You may or may not be aware of the murder of Jose Guerena .
Google the information. Try to get as many facts as are available from whatever sources are available.
Posting has been light and sporadic for some time now. For many reasons.
This Memorial Day weekend I'll be remembering and grieving for a lot of reasons.
Will I be back here when I'm somewhat recovered?
Maybe.......maybe not
It'll depend on whether I can take any more self-flagellation over my foolish pride.