Oh Yeah!
Let's Escalate the Situation.
That always work's good.
Let's Escalate the Situation.
That always work's good.
Posted by
10:42 AM
Lower left back, right at the top of the tail bone. Longish drives will do that to me. Left at 9, got back about 6. Got in 4 productive visits and one worthless visit with the ox in the story of the ox and the ass, wherein I refuse to play the ass.
So no working on the New Place........I'm thinking of naming it Periwinkle Farm, because of the profusion of said flowers all around the house and man cave. I've been saving a 36 inch cut off saw blade for just such a sign, somehow knowing in the back of my mind that I'd be able to find a use for it one day.
We've had a few small sprinkles here tonight. Just enough to wet my socks when stepping out upon the back deck.
In visiting my usual suspects in the blog-o-sphere this evening ran across this.......
At Pissed's place
Posted by
10:22 PM
Posting has been mighty sparse around here lately. Sprucing up the new Old Place has taken a goodly bit of time. Not helping of course is the 45 min drive one way to get there and then back. I think it will be worth it though and since the phone man is supposed to come on Monday (between 8:00 am and 12 noon, and they'll cut the service here on the following Thursday I think I can predict with a fair degree of certainty that we'll be sleeping down there next week.
Then of course I can make the drive in this direction fixing up this place for the new tenant/purchaser. Thankfully not too much to do, just clean up and new carpet for the bedrooms.
I'm also thankful that the young lady next door wants to move out of her mom and dad's place but not too far and that she's willing to make the payments until she can get a new loan on this place.
In today's market that's like manna from Heaven.
Still we'll have the world economic troubles to think about. But, not nearly as much as I have been. We'll either have O'bama regular or O'bama lite in charge of the White House after Nov. and depending on your point of view, and the occupant there in, nothing much will change or things will slide even faster down the hill to Hell.
Probably helped along by politicians refusal to listen to the voices of common sense.
Like this guy.
Free people will do well to just ignore TPTB and start enjoying their lives again. As someone needs to say..........
Fuck 'em all, the long, the short and the tall.
Posted by
8:22 PM
Void where considered inconvenient.
If you don't consider this statement treason, you're ignorant......or part of the problem.
There is a very good reason that the Founders tied down the federal government with the Constitution and the Bill of rights. They understood very well that government unrestrained would soon become the very Evil that they had pledged their lives, their fortunes, their Sacred Honor to defeat.
The beast has been off it's leash for far too long. Re-attaching that leash and bringing the beast to heel may now be almost impossible.
Everything depends on whose will is stronger. Citizens wills stand in serious need of some PX90 training.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Perhaps a question we should all ask ourselves.
Go read Daniel Greenfield , then come back and discuss.
Posted by
7:38 PM
It seems that a certain 3rd year law student at Georgetown University wants all you taxpayers to help her do what it seems she does quite well, and often. One wonders when she finds the time to study.
All without offering to even give us a kiss or a friendly pat on the head.
A future lawyer. That figures......... they spend years of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning how to screw everyone. Then they get themselves elected to Congress.
President O'bama is very proud of her. I'm sure her parents are also.
Posted by
8:44 PM
Whereas, on the 14th of December, 2011, the House of Representatives of these United States voted in favor of indefinite military detention, without charges, of any American, anywhere, anytime, without due process of law, at the discretion of the government alone;
Whereas, on the 15th of December, 2011, the Senate of these United States voted in favor of the same bill;
Whereas, on the 31st of December, 2011, the President of the United States signed the same;
Whereas, the proscription against the use of military force to police the populous has been an essential feature of American civic life and civic liberty since the arrival of our civilization upon this continent;
Whereas, the wanton violation of this proscription was one of the chief causes of the separation of the American peoples from their government in Great Britain;
Whereas, the Constitution so chartering the government of these United States does not grant this power;
Whereas, the Constitution forbids the addition of any power not enumerated to the general government;
Whereas, the use of such draconian measures has been an essential feature of the enforcement of tyranny by totalitarian governments of the 20th century, including, but not limited to, the Nationalist-Socialist government of Germany, the fascist government of Italy, the government of the United Soviet Socialist Republics, and the government of Vietnam;
Whereas, the use of such draconian measures is carefully calculated to quash all political dissent amongst a captive people;
Whereas, the codification of such draconian measures effectively nullifies all civil liberties the people may hope to hold;
Whereas, the codification of such draconian measures are the last act in the quest to hold a people captive to the rapacious will of their government without recourse;
And whereas, the codification of such draconian measures is an act of war against the populous at large;
Therefore, be it declared that a STATE OF WAR formally exists between the Government of these United States and the People of these United States.
We, the People of these United States, declare any and all attempts to enforce the provisions of HR 1540 to be unlawful, void, and of no force.
We, declare ALL WHO voted in favor of HR 1540, and ALL WHO attempt to enforce HR 1540 to be traitors to these United States, punishable under law.
We, SHALL DISOBEY, APPREHEND, OR RESIST WITH DEADLY FORCE, in our discretion, any person who attempts to enforce the provisions of HR 1540.
We, SHALL NOT aggress against any employee of any American government who shall not attempt to enforce or aid and abet the enforcement of HR 1540, they being as trapped as the rest of the populous.
Such STATE OF WAR shall continue until HR 1540 is stricken from the code of law, and all who had hand in HR 1540 are brought to justice under due process of law.
Signed and witnessed by we, the individual citizens of these United States, below: