Thursday, September 13, 2007

I feel a little weird

No, I don't really have any reason to say that, except that it's almost as if a feeling of calm has washed over me. May be getting the meds adjusted or me adjusted to them.

Yet it's such a strange feeling. I who always feels something lacking, or wrong, or disgusting. Who loathes politicians with a feeling of having just puked my guts out after trying to pick up a dead dog by the hind leg only to have the hair and skin come loose in my hand and a half gallon or so of maggots burst from the distended stomach.
Who holds bankers in a position of low esteem only slightly higher than lawyers. Which are on an equal footing with politicians since most pols are or would like to give signals to lawyers under the bathroom stall divider.

I can't explain it. Probably a bad bit of beef.


US said...


Um..a do-no-read-if-you-just-ate warning would have been nice!

kdzu said...

Sorry, I just had no other handy way to describe most of our elected servants.