Let's see what you're made of
Those who visit here more than twice probably realize that I love the country our founding fathers endowed us with........even if I do rant and rave about some of the things that are going on today ...........that take us farther and farther away from the republic they established.
That ranting and raving does not, however, extend to our military personnel, who for the most part serve honorably and faithfully for a cause greater than some can see.
My Sister Juanita and her husband have had two out of three of their sons serve most honorably in Iraq and the third son will most likely ship out within the next 6 months or less. I'm unable to properly express my pride in them and my sincere thanks for their service.
While I rant and rave here, I am very bad at doing the right thing and write to my nephews while they were overseas. I hope they understand........I still have a lot of me to retrieve from my war.
They are young.....as I was......and being away from home for the first time overseas where there are people who want to, and will, kill you.........and where your friends and comrades have been killed and wounded is a hurtful thing that will cause you to build your own little wall around you. It is so nice to be reminded that there are people who support you and want you to come home safely when the job is done.
One person who always wrote to me while I was in Quang Tri was my Aunt Eloise. Ironically my second duty was postal officer. I however considered my self first and only a pilot.........so I relied on my non-com and enlisted men to handle most of that duty........I only had to sign where they told me to. They did a great job.
I want go into all the reasons I was not getting much mail from my bride of about 2 years except to say that is was always painful not to receive as many letters in return as I sent out. My Aunt Eloise always came through for me. She wrote all the time.........and would spray so much perfume on the envelope that the guys were always sure that there was a big romance going on back home. Of course I would never stoop so low as to wave the envelope under the noses of my friends.....most of whom were not married.......we were after all old men of 20 years.
All of this to say that I know what it's like to be in a bad area and wondering if the folks back home were still there and supporting us. The dumb mass media back then were just as bad are they are now about telling the truth.......remind me sometimes to tell you of how I flipped off Dan Rather and his Cameraman. I'm pretty sure that bit of tape never saw anything but the cutting floor.
The most lovely and talented and Patriotic LL has posted something that you need to participate in. A letter and Email campaign to some Marines in Afghanistan. They've recently been dissed by their inferiors on some left wing rag or other.
Follow the links in LL post and do your part to let them know that their country supports and loves them. I don't care what you think about whether we should be there or if George Bush is to blame or Bill Clinton.......you need to step up to the plate and give these guys a big round of applause. Your names will not be used nor will you email addresses be compromised...see the explanation on the link you will follow......so what are you waiting for.
God Bless you and God Bless the Service Men and Women of The United States of America.