Actually since the word is used to mean the spirits which lead us to artistic expression, one could logically say that I've never had one, as I typically write about my frustrations with day to day life, seemingly, concentrating on things which the gubbermint has done on that particular day. Not too much artistic expression there.......outrage might be more correct.
Whatever the reason for the last two or three weeks I've not felt much like putting fingertips to keyboard and trying to construct semi-cogent sentences out of the deranged thoughts cascading willy-nilly from synapse to neuron amongst the convoluted twists and tangles of the graying matter between my ears.
Other than enjoying the company of wife, the ol' grump,the offspring, and theirs traveling to and fro for all too little remuneration, I've just sorta let the events of the days proceed as they will.....realizing that any comments I make either for are against will have as much effect as spitting into a tornado...it'll like as not be hurled back into my face, or be lost in the excitement.
Still, unless one wishes to crawl back in the deepest recesses of the grotto and pull the blackness and echos in around him like a cold, damp blanket as you suck on your thumb and pull at your earlobe you can't help but hear and see the events of the day unfolding.
The politicians have painted themselves into a corner with little hope of being able to pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat this last time. Their lack of caring about the Constitution which they swore to uphold, their only desire to be able to return every 2 years to Washington with the lukewarm approval of their constituents , there to seek their own remuneration and aggrandizement over the benefit of those they supposedly represent have led to an uprising by a significant percentage of the voters and as recent days have shown they have little stomach for keeping the same old tired assholes in control.
Yet as the events in Greece and the European Common Market countries are showing the time will eventually come when the pied piper must be paid, and he, savvy musicians he is, will no longer accept pretty pieces of paper representing nothing but hollow promises.
We, here in the good ol' US of A have not yet had disgruntled hostiles heaving Molotov cocktails at the police in the streets.......but it's still early yet......summer doesn't officially start for another month.
The simple fact is that everyone was too concerned with living the good life, consuming more than they produced.......after all it kept getting cheaper and cheaper down at Wally World, never mind that the labels all say "Made in China", besides Master Card and Visa would give you terms on anything you could think of as long as you made the minimum monthly sacrifice of old tired presidents who are in point of fact not worth the paper they are printed on.
Speaking from unfortunate personal experience I can tell you that when the position becomes increasingly untenable.......when the demands simply become too great to meet or bare....
..it becomes better to bow to the winds of fate and let yourself be blown away.
For much like the coconut floating on the sea, you'll likely be washed up on a distant shore, there to have an opportunity to send out a root and try to regain tenuous grasp of hope of growth once more.
Joseph Tainter wrote in 'The Collapse of Complex Societies'
"Systems of problem solving develop greater complexity and higher costs over long periods... the destructive potential is evident in historical cases where increased expenditures on socioeconomic complexity reached diminishing returns, and ultimately, in some instances, negative returns...where [the system] starts to become vulnerable to collapse"
Which is academic speak for The fixes are more costly than the problems.
W. C. Fields put it: 'If at first you don't succeed, try, again. Then give up. No sense in being a damned fool about it.'
Little appreciated are the benefits of giving up and letting things collapse. This is a pity. While successful fixes are celebrated, it is to the failed fixes that we owe much of our contentment and our progress.
Joseph Tainter explains, for example, that while the first fix may be beneficial, later ones often produce negative returns. Then, you're better off letting the whole system collapse. By examining ancient human bones, for example, he reports that nutritional levels actually improved, for most people, after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
We've allowed ourselves and our elected servents to in-debt the current and future generations to the point of futility. Why would any thinking, reasoning, rational being allow themselves to be subjected to this kind of slavery, and make no mistake about it, it will be slavery as the government demand greater and greater efforts to produce the taxes required to pay the obligations currently owed.
People go bankrupt all the time......hopefully they emerge on the other side a bit wiser and more resistant to the siren calls of conspicuous consumption.
Countries go bankrupt less often and the reports of those that do are muted by the controlled media so we in this country have little knowledge of how they do there after.
You might, if you are interested enough consider the example of Argentina in 2001 or Chile even earlier. Did their world end? Did they all put a gun to their heads? Or did they rebuild, wiser and better than before?
We'll survive the coming collapse of the debt bubble that has brought us to this pass.
But it will not be easy, nor will it be lessened by our attempt to patch things together yet another, and another time.
Me thinks it's time for a loping off of the gangrenous limbs that weaken us with their putrefying infection, set free the maggots to eat down to healthy tissue and take some of the anti-biotics that will enable us to regain our countries health.
Which limb or tentacle would you cut off first?