Thank goodness for polluted air
If you can breath it without your eyes watering, or your nose burning and dripping like a leaky faucet. Give thanks that you don't live in the hell hole I was in tonight. Where the odor of rat piss and droppings and dog piss is so loud that the air is literally tinted a weak yellow color.
Just Daaaaammmmnnnn!!!!!
When you drive home with the airconditioner on full and the windows wide open just to carry the stink on you away, you know that you survived hell. If you cut your hand just a little as one did and you worry that you might die a horrible evil death, as your hand, then arm rot bit by bit and fall off inches at a time.
And people lived in this. And consider some of the items feet deep in piles on the floor of some worth. They even consider that anything missing or taken by the toothless scum who live around them , might have some little value.
I'm a pig. I admit it. As long as I know that what I need lies somewhere in the stacks on my desk, it's not lost. But compared to what I waded thru tonight my area looks like one of those sterile isolated rooms where computer parts are assembled.
They need more Kudzu to quickly overgrow that garbage pile.
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