Will you be deemed a USELESS EATER
I guess that depends on who is asked the question.
Take 7 minutes out of your busy day and watch this.
I guess that depends on who is asked the question.
Take 7 minutes out of your busy day and watch this.
Posted by
10:36 AM
Whereas, on the 14th of December, 2011, the House of Representatives of these United States voted in favor of indefinite military detention, without charges, of any American, anywhere, anytime, without due process of law, at the discretion of the government alone;
Whereas, on the 15th of December, 2011, the Senate of these United States voted in favor of the same bill;
Whereas, on the 31st of December, 2011, the President of the United States signed the same;
Whereas, the proscription against the use of military force to police the populous has been an essential feature of American civic life and civic liberty since the arrival of our civilization upon this continent;
Whereas, the wanton violation of this proscription was one of the chief causes of the separation of the American peoples from their government in Great Britain;
Whereas, the Constitution so chartering the government of these United States does not grant this power;
Whereas, the Constitution forbids the addition of any power not enumerated to the general government;
Whereas, the use of such draconian measures has been an essential feature of the enforcement of tyranny by totalitarian governments of the 20th century, including, but not limited to, the Nationalist-Socialist government of Germany, the fascist government of Italy, the government of the United Soviet Socialist Republics, and the government of Vietnam;
Whereas, the use of such draconian measures is carefully calculated to quash all political dissent amongst a captive people;
Whereas, the codification of such draconian measures effectively nullifies all civil liberties the people may hope to hold;
Whereas, the codification of such draconian measures are the last act in the quest to hold a people captive to the rapacious will of their government without recourse;
And whereas, the codification of such draconian measures is an act of war against the populous at large;
Therefore, be it declared that a STATE OF WAR formally exists between the Government of these United States and the People of these United States.
We, the People of these United States, declare any and all attempts to enforce the provisions of HR 1540 to be unlawful, void, and of no force.
We, declare ALL WHO voted in favor of HR 1540, and ALL WHO attempt to enforce HR 1540 to be traitors to these United States, punishable under law.
We, SHALL DISOBEY, APPREHEND, OR RESIST WITH DEADLY FORCE, in our discretion, any person who attempts to enforce the provisions of HR 1540.
We, SHALL NOT aggress against any employee of any American government who shall not attempt to enforce or aid and abet the enforcement of HR 1540, they being as trapped as the rest of the populous.
Such STATE OF WAR shall continue until HR 1540 is stricken from the code of law, and all who had hand in HR 1540 are brought to justice under due process of law.
Signed and witnessed by we, the individual citizens of these United States, below:
it seems the big o thinks everyone but himself would be deemed useless. at what age do "they" think we become seniors? it bet it isn't 75! keep up the fight.
we gotta keep fighting..as the man says...our lives depend on it
i think this is pretty much nonsense.
the current system is designed to maximize profit; extract as much money as possible for any medical service, and minimize the delivery of those services.
corporations make money in two ways. 1. they shape the population they service through outright exclusion, or by having higher risk members pay higher costs. 2. by excluding and denying medical services.
there is a massive amount of money flowing in the "health care" industry, and the only thing that industry is geared toward is maximizing profits....
health care depends on collective-monies, not "free market".
the only difference is that the collective monies are now managed by corporations that are answerable only to their shareholders for profit margins.
the government is at least answerable to the people..... in fact that government is the only social institution that CAN ensure availability of medical care to ALL the people.
corporations have no such interest or mandate.... in fact their very premise for operations is antithetical to actually delivering service to everybody.
the nonsense that somehow laissez faire free market just brings all good is just that.... nonsense.
then add to that the reality that any industry reliant on the collective monies and distributed by insurance corporations is not "free market" at all.
big corporations want government out of their business because it messes-up their big scam.....
and that's why we have nonsense like this video.
Good video. Thanks for finding this and posting it.
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