Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm Rich!!!

The Kudzu Wife (KW) has been having a grand time finding previously undiscovered flowers and plants around the New Place (NP). From the large single white Iris to Tulips, Daffodils and Wisteria, to dozens of Purple Plum sprouts along with the Carolina Jasmine and other plants we have no idea of (apparently some of the previous owners were gardening enthusiasts), it is a discovery of moment each day.

This afternoon she pointed out a Manzanita. Don't know if it is one of This Breed but, if so, I'm gonna sit back and collect the monthly checks for tending it. (by which I mean that I'll not piss on it at night when I go out to water the oak trees.


Velociman said...

Not to change the subject, but how far up 29 are you? I'm looking for land in that direction.

kdzu said...

We're in the edge of Hart County. Lots of land for sale all around here. Some in foreclosure. Nice farm land, just don't get too close to a chicken farm. We are 45 minutes from Epps Bridge. Less depending on traffic.

Velociman said...

Sometimes you don't know where the chicken houses are until it's too late. When I first moved to Jefferson I thought there was a dead animal under the deck. Nope: they'd just restocked the chicken house down the street. Looking for 2-5 acres, some pasture, no covenants. Maybe 10-15 acres if my brother goes in with me. Not to build on just yet. Just camping, shooting. Possible hunting. Keep an eye out, there will be a finder's fee. Plus a test. There's always a test.

kdzu said...

Google Earth is your friend in these cases. There is a big egg operation about a mile from us as well as smaller broiler growers a little closer. So far no problems, nor do I expect any. There is a dairy down the road which rent a field 3 houses away and spread cow manure once or twice a year. Not a problem for me as I was raised on a dairy. Besides, 3 houses down is about 1/4 mile.
I'll keep my eye out.
Tests.....always with the tests. Nobody will just take my word for it that I'm the smartest guy in the room. Granted, it's padded and coated with rubber.

Anonymous said...

No email?
fellow Georgian here (Griffin)


Cletus Socrates

kdzu said...

Sorry, thought it was under about me. Now corrected hopefully.

Velociman said...

Comments was all I had!