Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Looking for the Green

Ever tried to grow Grass?

No, not the kind with 5 leaves.........you know who you are.

The kind you walk barefoot through........lie down in and get chiggers around your crotchital areas. The kind you seen in those pictures in Homes Beautiful or other sissy magazines of similar ilk.

The place we live in has what undoubtedly is some of the worst soil known to man anywhere short of the Sahara. And the rocks are bigger here.

I holler at my grandson for digging in the bank alongside the driveway........
.....but really I suspect he'll go far in life because anybody that'll work that hard to dig down a few inches ain't got no quit in him.

Everybody around here is all worried about the possibilities of thunderstorms coming tomorrow. After all a tornado did try to clean up some of downtown Atlanta last weekend. Damn fools will just rebuild.......they oughta plant a little kudzu around there to soak some of the rain up and keep Peachtree creek from flooding every time we get 1/4 inch of rain.

I kinda figured that if it really does rain tomorrow that today would be a good time to put out some high powered fertilizer and spread a little yard patch on the bare spots. Then, I figured, if we do have a tornado, it might be a good idea to roll out some of that ground cover that holds the seedlings in place if by some miracle they do happen to sprout.
Also might be good to put it where the neighbors mud washes down into the yard and down the driveway. He gave up on getting grass to grow around his house and just drives his pickup around between our houses.........causing his grass to grow downward and not hold the soil in place at all....... at all. He's a pretty good ol' boy for all that........even if he does have people coming to buy stuff out of a trailer in his back yard. I asked him about it one time..........he told me he was just storing some furniture out of his living room there while they remodeled. But I haven't noticed any work going on inside the house..

There is something about living in a mixed neighborhood. The Blacks will not give me an honest answer......even their last name. I guess that's so I can't give them up to the cops..............And the Latinos stay behind their 6 ft. privacy fence and never invite us to the goat barbecues. That's alright........one of these days I'm gonna fire up the grill and make some of my award winning.....have to kill you if you learn the receipe......chili. I'm not saying it's good or anything but I saw a friend at church backhand his 6 year old kid for asking for another bite out of his bowl.

Anyhoo, if the rain doesn't wash all the seed away I may have gained another square foot of growing grass.........we'll be holding out breath for that. I went and bought an old fashioned reel mower because of a lack of green. The 48 inch cutting deck on the 18.5 hp riding mower just blows the dirt around.

On the other hand......if all the hundreds of dollars spent on this excuse for a lawn do take hold..........somebody may have to lead as search party to find me.

Oh Yeah, I forgot to mention that yesterday was St. Patrick's day. I wore my John Deere socks with the green toes and heels so I wouldn't get pinched. Hope none of ya'll drank too much green beer.


k said...


I am SO glad I threw away all my grass.

Of course, I don't need it to hold the soil in, me. So there is that.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Kdzu, you surprise me every day now. I'm glad you found your blog voice cuz it's a fine one, sugar.

GUYK said...

I have spent about five grand on grass seed and fertizer in the past five years and still have a lot of bare spots..Florida sand is worthless as a soil and takes more work and money than the grass is worth I think sometimes anyway. But I finally got smart and started plugging in centipede..good stuff..low maintenance, doesn't need a lot of water once it gets started and puts out runners much like bermuda grass..it is starting to cover the bare spots but I still need to put in another 1000 or so plugs..and a four for a buck that may be a while yet

LBJ said...

I have decided I have a brown thumb as they say in the gardening world. Mine manages, but just barely. I live on a lake so hopefully people notice THAT, not the weeds.