June 30 2008
The year is half over at midnight.
Anyone over the age of 30 is probably asking themselves, "Where the heck did the time go?".
It seems that Christmas past has just shown us the error of our ways. As usual we weren't paying attention.
Having just packed the evenings medications down with a banana sandwich and tall glass of milk, I, at least in the wanting food category, am sated for the moment. Other categories ..........not so much, maybe.
I guess it is more usual to reflect back on a full year the day before New Years Eve. Mostly Dec. 31st is getting ready to ring in the coming year with new resolutions...
... that all too frequently we don't keep anyway.
Perhaps if I start now I'll have some idea of how it's really going by the end of the year.
One thing I'll be glad of by then will be the end of possibly the longest campaigns for president in memory (mine, not yours). There must be some sort of conspiracy afoot to so numb us by these long campaigns that no matter who is placed behind the desk in the oval office the American people just wipe their collective brow and sigh, "Whew, glad that's over with". Then another 4 years of pissing and moaning about how the wrong guy to lead us is in there.
Personally, I'll stick to my habit of keeping my head down and my powder dry. I figure that if I keep wearing a tin foil hat and wrapping my wallet in lead they can't see what I'm doing.........maybe.
In tribute to our chosen gobberment offals in DC, I'll end with a Jimmy Buffet song that I found by following a Link to a dead guy. I wish I'd read him sooner.