Saturday, June 09, 2007

I find it interesting

.........that a liar found out will not hang his head in shame, but will loudly criticize and berate the one who found him out as the liar and threaten to cause them to have a bad day. Then still proclaim the lie as truth and vow never to have anything to do with you again.

Little do they realize that the reason you found them out was their own outrageous claims which grow over time as thy try to convince you of the reason things don't happen when they said they would.

Like I said, I find it interesting.


Cat is my co-pilot said...

Good point, Jean.

Are you speaking of someone in particular, Kdzu? I'm intrigued!

Corporations and celebrities and their PR folk have done some serious damage to our societal fabric--they make up lies and set-up staged photo ops to support the lie, or they deny, deny, deny and then announce it later as if they never denied it in the first place. And people wonder why we have so little respect for them? Why should we, when they have no respect for us?

kdzu said...

You're right Jean, of course. You'd think that by my age I'd be past the point of taking people's words as truth.
Yes Courtney, once again I fall for the biggest lie imaginable because I wanted so much to believe. This Guy conned me for 2 years. To much financial ruin, although I was doing a good job of that by my self.
The question becomes, do I forgive, or spend much time and energy in revenge?

Jean said...

Larry, good people want to believe that other people are good. We don't like to think the worst, but we need to go with gut feelings and recognizing red flags, etc.
(I'm a fine one to talk here, heh.)

I think your best revenge would be to succeed without him and warn others of his ways. Unless, of course, if what he's done is illegal and you could file charges?

kdzu said...

Wise Jean. I'll have to do much reciting of the Lords Prayer to remember. My brain wants to rip his carotid artery out with my teeth.
Much, much, much reciting. And try to find a new program for my gut feelings. This one seems to not function efficiently.