Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I survived

Some would say that putting ones self at the mercvy of the VA hospital is a grave miscalculation.......

........I did just that yesterday, and awoke with all my appendages still attached.......

.....working, remains to be seen.

actually only carpal tunnel procedure. I've cut myself worse.. Still hurts a bit, however done. Between the meds already taking and this new pain killer I've quite a buzz on today.

I quit drinking back in '75. the wobble came as a bittersweet memory.

Differant party in charge of house in D.C. Same ol' Bullshiate. I REpeat previous advice. keep your guns and ammo in a dry and secure location, a surplus of money, both hard and phoney, squirraled away, and plenty of food & water put aside....

.....and keep your head down below the radar.

Else the Kudzu will get you. REMEMBER.........

......It's not paranoia, if they really are out to fuck you over.


k said...

Well, surviving is always a positive start. I hope it heals well and works well for you. I seem to remember this was a long time coming.

So, there is that. A *moving on.*

kdzu said...

Thanks K. Yes a pretty good while.
I have nothing but good words to say about the service and care givers at the Atlanta VA. Thanks for commenting.

k said...

Oh, you know I love to comment. That's basically because I have a big mouth. Here in the 'sphere, that's not only acceptable, it's applauded. heh heh! Lucky me, huh?

I'm so glad you got good care. I have some friends who've been to different VA hospitals, and it seems sort of hit or miss. Rarely in the middle for some reason.

Take it easy. It's frustrating not being able to type. But the time passes and suddenly there you are, mostly ok again. And then, if you're lucky, even better than before.

I had to do *no capitals* for quite a while and I was embarrassed. Then I realized no one seemed to even notice! Cool.

Jean said...

Hope your healing goes swift and smooth, Larry!