Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm not through........

................gnawing on this particular bone.

But I just thought a thought. Alright quite in the peanut gallery. And if you get that reference you're older than you admit.

The timing of the shooting in Virginia yesterday. Does it seem strangely coincidental that it was the day before tax deadline day?

I'm just wandering around in my mind here, OK? But didn't Colombine, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the final fiery denouement at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Tx all happen just about this time of the year.

What is the common theme here? Is there one?

They say that the Lone Gunman was upset with a former girlfriend. Not former in his mind apparently. But then why after shooting her and a dorm adviser then go across campus and chain people in a classroom and shoot about 60 of them before killing himself. Fish in a barrel you might say, but, you'd think that is pretty accurate shooting of moving targets, if you allow yourself to. Wonder where he trained?

Where is the rational for that? Obviously he preplanned that also.

Great is the suffering in many homes today of parents, wives, husbands, brother, sisters and those who have a personal interest in the lives lost and scarred.
I could be empatheticly incapacitated if I knew any of those people. I realize that I'm not.

I don't think that makes me an uncaring person. Just that the loss of life here, while tragic, is nothing like the number of people killed and property lost in the tsunami in Indonesia a couple years ago, and I, while amazed, didn't let that interfere with my life either.

I will however be going by the sporting goods store looking for concealed carry holsters today.

Life goes on here at the kudzu ranch.


Jean said...

Unfortunately, any distant tragedy cannot be allowed to affect our own lives, except, as you imply... we must be forced to consider the possibility of same happening to any of us. Those directly involved had no more of an idea of their fate as any of us did elsewhere on the same day. It does make us all think, if only briefly... will it or something equally devastating happen where we are? Is there really any way to be prepared or to prevent?

k said...

This tax day angle is fascinating me.

I feel like looking for a good computer geek who also like statistics and seeing how this pattern holds up.

kdzu said...

Jean: Total prevention is not possible. You not too long ago went to the range and had fun shooting. It's fun but more importantly good training. We all could be more prepared. Not just for nut jobs, but for the more every day possibilities. The Mormon website LDS.org has a lot of good informatation on personal preparedness. Have to click thur to find what you want. kits in the car and at home for emergencies or evacuations are nice to have.

K: you may be surprised at what you find. I love my country, but am no admirer of our government. All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing. The older I get you'd think that finding out I've been betrayed by ones considered friends would get easier.. It's not.
Present company excepted of course.

k said...

It never gets easier. Not as long as you stay capable of love and of feeling.

The ones that stop hurting when they should? Those are folks we should not admire, but instead should watch. Very carefully.