Friday, May 18, 2007

A Question for my Muslim friends.........

.....If you don't mind.

Have you the soul of a free man or the soul of a slave?

If you answer the first, then what do you think of this poster put out by the Islamic Thinkers Society?


Look at all the images and read the text. But consider this; A slave has no will of his own and obeys only his superiors, if indeed God created all men as equals, why do you bow before your masters who interpreted Gods will and told you what he said instead of going to your God directly and ask him to show you the way. He gave you a brain, figure it out for yourself.

If you Islamonuts want to kill us, consider for a moment who you're dealing with. We'll bomb you back to the stone age and take your oil from you, or you can play nice and sell us the oil at a profit to yourselves.

Your Choice, but remember, We have the bigger stick and if you push us far enough, we'll be more than glad to beat you with it until you are only a bloody pile of carrion for the birds to feast on.

I would prefer to greet you as equals and brothers, but if not your wish, that's Ok.
But don't expect me to turn the other cheek more than once. And that point is past.

Update; Why did the comment thingy not appear on this post. I must have peed in a muslims grits.