Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Do you hear?.....................

................without listening?

I causes me much heartache to think so many people in The United States of America are described by my wifes tee shirt which says, "Never under estimate the stupidity of people in large groups".

When a youth I was sure that the more we learned as individuals would carry over into the group dynamic and cause all humans to evolve into better and smarter people.

Now in my middle years my heart aches with the realization that while more and more knowledge about everything is being obtained, people as a whole, or at least those that I am most knowledgeable about, those in this country are devolving as far as their intelligence as a whole goes.

I stole this link from Pamela , I did tell her I was going to do it. Maybe you will find it interesting, because I know that most of my readers do not fall into the average group. You have to be above average, obviously, since you check in here from time to time.

I hate my thoughts on this matter. It pisses me off no end. We're supposed to be better than this damn it. Why aren't we?


Jean said...

ummm, you ok up there?

kdzu said...
