Monday, August 13, 2007

Those Lazy Hazy.........

...............Crazy days of Summer have devolved into those Hot Sultry days we refer to as dog days. Or as relates to me, dog daze.

When the heat rises to over 100 degrees and feels like the fetid, rotting breath of a demon from hell. When you wish you could wear a space suit with an internal air conditioning unit, you know that the dog star is rising with the sun each morning and you just want to shoot anybody and everybody that asks, "Hot enough for ya?". Yeah, those days.

Don't get me wrong, I love the South and all that implies, but along about now every year I wish I lived in a nice cool cove in the Swiss Alps, high enough up that you could use a light blanket at night but still sit out on the edge of a cliff in the day and get an all over tan.

People say that money can't buy you love, but it could buy you accommodations in a cooler clime, perhaps with a long, lithe, Nordic house keeper to pick up after your slovenly rich ass.

Perhaps then I could shake off the ennui that seems to have me in it's grip and I would feel the urge to crawl out of the kudzu grotto.


Jean said...

I'm with ya, dear.

If I went to Ohio to visit family right now, I might not come back... low 80's daytime/mid 50's at night.

I want OCTOBER!!

Kat said...

Been fun around here, hasn't it? NOT.... nothing like 100+ temps with about 200+ humidity to go along with it... are we frying to death or drowing?! lol