Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Starting off a little rainy

here at the KGHQ (kudzu grotto headquarters).

Of course yesterday the gray clouds never let the sun shine through either. Mid-winter blahs seem to be settling in and my inner-most child cries, "I wanna go to the beach".
No sand and surf for the wicked though.....although I'll be heading north to Toccoa "the beautiful" in a little while in an effort to stay away from CNN, which the ol' Grump says, "Shows everything over and over for at least 3 days".
Even with the black wand of power in his hand, he'll be mesmerized by the 62" wide eye into the world and sit there till his eyes glaze over and his head falls sideways, as his jaw drops to his chest and soft rumbling come from his inner-most regions.

The following caught my eye as I trekked mightily through the badlands of the interweb emails and other stuff..........

Scary stuff right there.....that's what that is.

But what does it mean for the humble and lowly??? Hmmmmm???

As I've stated before........stock up on food, guns, precious metals (both the brass, and glittery stuff.....keep your head down and your powder dry.

Oh yeah......if you have a chance......pick up a few extra Big Texas Cinnamon Rolls (they'll last 2 or three weeks if'n you don't mind them getting a little bit hard, and maybe a few extra rolls of Charmin. Maybe even some hip waders and rain gear since the amount of BS coming out of TAOTP (the asylum on the Potomac) is gonna continue to get a doctorate....Phd......(piled higher and deeper).


GUYK said...

about the only optimism I can generate right now is about my planned is hard to mess up growing pole beans, okra, and black eyed peas.

For decades I have been optimistic about the American government because I was optimistic about the American people. I knew we could survive four years of Carter because the people would not stand for another four years of the same. I figured we could survive Clinton...but then the public elected a Clinton light and now a damn socialist to run the government in concert with a socialist congress.

In short we are screwed unless we that love our freedom...yeah, that freedom to succeeed as well as that freedom to fall on our butts...rally and kick these thieves out of Washington DC. I want to see a revolution at the polls come November 2010...and hope the creator wills that I live long enough to vote against the sumbitches just one more time.

Anonymous said...
