Too Much........Ya think
I am really trying to not get all het up 'bout the up-coming coronation of His Most High Glorious Re-incarnation of Honest Abe, Emancipator of million....Nay Billions, the Most Magnificent Arab-Kenyan-Kansasian-Hawaiian-Indonesian-Muslim-Neo-Christian, All things to All People, the Right Awesome-Reverend Wright Protege, husband to her Worship Mistress Michelle-the Once and Future Queen-Bee, The High Browed-Big Ear-ed PEBO His Own Self.
But the fact that the country has to declare a state of Emergency to help pay for the Swearing in of this High Yeller Crook from Chicago causes a RCOB (Red Coating of Blood) to fall over my eyes, and I want to scream and shout that, "The Emperor has no Clothes", till I'm blue in the face.
This is Lunacy on a scale never before imagined by anyone with an IQ of 50 or greater.
Before we are over it, the current World Wide Economic Crisis (WWEC) will make the depression of 1929 and subsequent seem like loosing $2.00 at Keno.......
........and they want to spend H.O.W M.U.C.H????
One Hundred and Ten Million Pounds
I don't know what that is in Monopoly Money but to spend that much at this time should cause any sane American to weep, gnash their teeth and pick ol' Betsy from over the mantle and march on The Asylum on the Potomac shooting politicians and bureaucrats from the local stripe on up, leaving them writhing on the ground in a tangle of their intestines and blood (I was going to say brain cells 'til I remembered that they have none.
If there was ever a time for REVOLUTION in this country it is now.
I would ask God to help us................but am convinced that they have seen into our hearts and have decided that we are not worthy of saving, and have turned their collective backs on us.
try to cheer up kdzu.... you're going to give yourself high blood pressure and maybe a heart attack......
uncle john' band
Thanks for the advice Ghost, but this is me with BP of 120 over 70 and as calm as broom straw on a windless day. (and maybe at least as intelligent)
I've never revealed my darker nature once in over 4 years of posting. You wouldn't want to see what it's like here.
then of course i saw there was a way to hell, even from the gates of heaven..... mother
... want to sell me some of those silver dollars now?...
I'll be glad to sell them Eric, as long as I get to pick the price. I figure that one of these days I'll be able to call up the new President What's In Charge (PWIC) and claim some sort of special status because I spent too much money on gold and silver and need help putting fresh vegetables on the table and besides my 30 year fixed rate mortgage is too high as opposed to my income and they'll send the new Tax evading Secretary of the Treasury down so we can compare notes (to see how my trying that worked out as opposed to the sweetheart deal he got cut) and see if They can help me lower my payments.
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