Monday, December 17, 2007


I've often heard that there are two topics which are not to be mentioned in civil discourse or polite society as they are sure to cause conflict.

I've sometimes been called polite, but rarely civil. I'll certainly extend to you the same and more courtesy as you extend to me, but it irks me something fierce to have to put up with someone who is an asshole or claims to know better than I what is best for me.

I read somewhere that there is no sin in enlightened self interest. Probably a libertarian concept or something from an Ayn Rand novel, although it may have been addressed in The Law by Fredrick Bastait. I'll have to go back and check.

Nevertheless I look with skepticism on those who put them self forward as knowing what is best for me and everyone else and will provide same if we will only vote or follow them to the promised land, especially if it requires me to turn over control of any aspect of my life to them, the government, a particular party or cause. I know what I believe and exactly why. I can tell you the place, time and date.......and a lot of the reasons. I don't ask that you believe me......only that you accept that I believe it.

We have over 10 months till the next national election. People have been campaigning since the last one 3 years ago. Very few are putting forth radical new solutions to the problems we all face. Most are more interested in convincing us of why we shouldn't vote for the next guy or gal. If truths are distorted, or stretched, if honesty has to take a back seat, that is excused in the name of electing whoever so they can push thru whatever scheme they hatched last night or took from the communist manifesto and sugar coated it.

I looked for some one or group to break out of these norms and give me something to hope for. Still looking. But there is one group which is trying to effect change in a rational and unique way. A way that requires people to decide what is important to them and our nation as a whole.

You can read their proposed platform HERE
if you've a minute or an inclination to. If not, that's OK too. Your actions are only relevant to me inasmuch as I'll consider them when I decide what I'll do to either accept them or decide how I'll avoid the consequences of them.

Oh, yeah, the two subject are politics and religion. Mother's milk here in the Kudzu grotto.

1 comment:

GUYK said...

Works for me.