Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Some where along the way, at some other blog, I forget which, there was one of those online quiz's to check what kind of actor or something you'd most resemble.

I did the quiz and saved the results, but, never got around to posting them. Typical of me I forgot all about it until yesterday when I watched "The African Queen" on TMC.

Humphrey Bogart
You scored 30% Tough, 28% Roguish, 38% Friendly, and 4% Charming!
You're the original man of honor, rough and tough but willing to stick your neck out when you need to, despite what you might say to the contrary. You're a complex character full of spit and vinegar, but with a soft heart and a tender streak that you try to hide behind witty remarks and rakish behavior. There's usually a complicated dame in the picture, someone who sees the real you behind all the tough talk and bravado, and who can dish it out as well as you can. You're not easy to get next to, but when you find the right partner, you click but good, and you're caring and loyal to a fault. A big fault. But you take it on the chin and move on, nursing your pain inside and maintaining your armor...until the next dame walks in. Or possibly the same dame, and of all the gin joints in all the world, it had to be yours. Co-stars include Ingrid Bergman and Lauren Bacall, hot chicks with issues.

Bogie and Hepburn.......now that was a pair. Actors in the best tradition of the word. Not like some of the tasteless bits of pap they feed us now-a-days.

I always admired her legs.

1 comment:

Jean said...

wow...other than a really wrong low score for 'charming', the analysis is pretty dang good, wouldn't you say?