Friday, October 19, 2007

We Got Some Rain!!!!!!!

Hooray, Hooray!!! we got some rain early this morning while I slept. About 3/4's of an inch according to the rain gauge on the oak stump.

Yesterday while we were expecting rain I cut one of the downspouts and routed it into a 350 gallon tank. When I looked out this morning it was nearly full. Over 300 gallons from just one downspout.. Had I had 3 other tanks as I plan to, I would have about 1000 gallons of free water to water the yard, flowers, even put in a small goldfish pond if I were so inclined.

Makes one think of all the abundance that we just ignore at our peril. Cities are feuding over water around here. Seems that if the government wanted to do something constructive they would build more public lakes, even smallish ones, for the times of need.

Didn't some wise ruler once save Egypt by storing up for the lean times?

I'm no greenie, in fact I find most of them sorta foolish whining about why the government doesn't do something, when if they would only do something themselves they would accomplish more good.


Jean said...

Blessed rain... thank goodness!

You're right, you know... we could all do much more than we do.

Charlotte Fairchild said...

With drought comes famine, and if this continues, we will have more hungry people. We have homeless, poor people, and people in debt today who cannot buy green leafy vegetables, and get starches and sugars at soup kitchens. Kudzu is related to snow peas and has a root that goes down 9 feet. Do a google on kudzu kwestions to find out more.