Sunday, July 13, 2008


............if your can, that you, yes you, there on the other side of this screen. You a separate, individual person, complete within your skin. You think.....therefore you are. Given life by your parents (also individuals in their own right) coming together whether by intent or happenchance to create within the womb of the female (odd how that happens)(even odder looking if someone else is watching) a new......soon to be separate individual. Some say we are given life and rights by a creator. I'll leave that up to you to argue for or against.

Just imagine for a moment if you, at the end of the pay period, were allowed to keep all of what you had earned for yourself. You after all exchanged seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks or longer for your pay. Would you be willing to give part of it up?? What if it were taken from you by force? You are given no choice in the matter. Or perhaps you were given a choice and choose to keep it, yet others choosing differently overruled your objections.

Would you be resentful? Upset, perhaps?

It happens every day. Under the pretense of organization, regulation, protection, or encouragement, the law takes property from one person and gives it to another; the law takes the wealth of all and gives it to a few — whether farmers, manufacturers, shipowners, artists, or comedians.

Because Law does it, is it right?


GUYK said...

I figure there is a difference between taxes for the common good..schools, roads, bridges,defense, the judicial system and such functions of government. I also figure that what makes us a civiliazed society is that we do believe in taking care of those who because of physical or mental limitations cannot take care of themselves. The commandment of Moses to 'Honor Thy Father and Mother" did not mean meant to take care of them when they were no longer able to care for themselves instead of leaving them for the wolves.

However, taxation for the purpose of income redistribution to those who are able but not willing to care for themselves is legalized extortion. I have ofeten written that I have more respect for an armed thief than I do for those who will vote to take what I have earned from me via the least the thief makes no claim to be anything other than a thief...and does not use "its for the common good" as an excuse to rob me.

kdzu said...

Well said Guy. Your perspective is welcome.

"However, taxation for the purpose of income redistribution to those who are able but not willing to care for themselves is legalized extortion."

Or as Bastiat called it "Legalized Plunder"