Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Wanna Know???

Wanna know how the 2008 election will go?

Too soon to tell, but you might consider some of the opinions of Dr. Gary North.......

1. Most voters want government-funded freebies.
2. Voters expect other voters to pay.
3. The long run is the next election.
4. Government expands unless its budget is cut.
5. Voters do not want to cut budgets.
6. The bureaucracy is close to autonomous.
7. Elected representatives are soon co-opted by the
8. Money, sex, and power do corrupt.
9. Good-looking single women like to work on Capitol Hill.

Here is my conclusion: "The system will not change until
Washington's checks no longer buy much of value." Given the fact
that the Bank of England has survived since 1694, I am not
optimistic about positive change inside the Beltway.

Probably be more of the "Same O, Same O"

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