Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And 2 reply

One out of love;
Good Morning Larry,
thanks for making our brains work. what to do? pray for divine intervention. pray hard.
still i get up every day & just do the same stuff the same way.

One out of carefully considered reasoning and attempts to list the problems we face:

Dear Amigo: Good to hear from you..! You are asking a very deep question that deserves very deep answers. Perhaps answers that we may not like to hear about.

I read the article , written with a clever, sharp argument and lots of common sense. I think that we don't have time to stop an analize where are we going and what kind of world are we going to leave to future generations.

The first thing is to admit that our "progress" ( western-judeo-christhian -society) and point of view that set up the rules in global affairs for decades in the world is in crisis. Look around the overwhelming increase of problems locally and globally that we are going to face in the next decade. Some people called macro-problems other called it mega-problems.

Climate changes.
Water resources.
Increases population.
Pandemics- (mega epidemies like Avian Flu and AIDS ).

Above all there is indeed a very delicate situation in the northern hemisphere which has all the elements to create a volatile situation that can escape the control of the most sharpest minds that "seems to be in control". The middle east is an explosive cocktail of ethnicity, race , religion and of course oil. As I heard :"the curse of the middle east is to be poor but rich in oil".

In my opinion the invasion of Irak on the fly by the premises supported initially (WMD) was poorly managed.Here idealism , nationalism, fear and a superb war machinery with incredible support of religion and "I Can Do It" attitude created a dead end situation. In that moment going solo was the right thing to do because your are right no matter what the rest of the world was telling not do it. Lamentably mid-term solution doesn' t work and long term effects are stil to surface in this scenario.

The consequences of this action is creating what others countries feared; a boomerang reaction and iraqui civilians joining insurgent attacks. Whereas we don't have any idea of the thousands of casualties of iraqui civilians. Irak indeed was ocuppied but not liberated. Democracy cannot be imposed.

The fact is that the US plays a major role in global affairs that any other country on the world and its consequences cannot be avoid. I am not saying that Saddam was a brutal dictator but now most of the people involved in the freedom operation agreed that this should have been done in a different way. But Irak is an oil rich country and that is politics as usual.

The hegemonic presence of a superpower that give no answers to any international organization and no apologies even in domestic affairs (as the CIA leak fiasco) is creating a bad precedent in future affairs and eroding the international image of this great nation.

As a response to an overwhelming American presence in Iran, Kuwait, Afganistan and a supportive role of Israel they decided to get as much uranium to produce nukes because they think they are next on the list. Why are the Iranians doing it? They feel threaten, and its territory is geopolitical spot is in the middle of future gas and oil pipelines that will run across its territory towards the Mediterranean sea.

But all these major strategies and visionary plans of few people that now are changing their statements into bring democracy to the middle east region can be delay due to natural disasters. About this topic I sent you the -Pentagon Report about US National Security and Weather Changes-.

Besides this serious issues you have to see the great emerging super power of China followed by India. Both countries as they grow they wil demand more raw material and resources. These countries are shaping future economics with the EU , USA and the rest of the world. History teaches that every nation and empire has its cycle.

In an other scale these is also happening in every nation. Each nation is facing challenges that could've been resolved only if we would've done this or that ....These are times of reflection and see who we are and where are we going.

I see this process as a turning point in history and the emerging of a new world order. Where our system believe is going to be tested because is collapsing. Where even religious structures will transform.

I am right because I am christian or because I am buddist or because I am Islamic .Or ultimately because I have the right skin.... The fact is that we , all of us, are in this planet and we need to make an effort to change in a coherent , responsible way to preserve the most valueable treasure: life .

Without life we cannot enjoy love. God may help us opening our hearts and minds to fullfill our mission on earth.

I hope and wish that a shift of conciousness is needed in order to face the challenges to come.A social -cultural change is coming but that lies on a personal intimate decission.

I want to believe in a new society based on merit that respect life and differences.

Of course, my friend these are my thoughts

Happy Halloween !!


More tangles of kudzu but with a suggestion of a path that may lead to a clearing ahead. Or an ever thicker tangle.


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