Saturday, May 20, 2006


Today we went and had lunch and fellowship with all five of my sisters, my wife and children and Uncle Jim and Aunt Margaret. Various and sundry grandchildren, nieces and nephews, Grand nieces and nephews, various brother-in-laws, cousins, sons-in-laws and daughter-in-law. A great time as they say was had by all. Bound together by blood, marriage and love. Scattered over the country from Texas to Maine by jobs and other reasons. Rich and poor, young and old, we enjoyed the feeling you get when you are surrounded by loved ones. My two nephews from Maine we here. Soon they'll both be deployed to Iraq. The youngest 20 is a medic in the reserves. The older is a butterbar (!st Lt. ) in the quartermaster corp. But wants to be special forces. Pray for their safety.

Those of the blogsphere we read daily or frequently we consider family. We begin to care for them and their successess and failures. Most pour out their hearts and innermost feelings in an effort to find their way thru the tangles of everyday life. Hopefully we support each other even in the midst of occasional pissing contests.
LL has called it quits. She was the first blogger to respond to my puny attempts. She won my heart for that, even if it was to correct my mistake. I understand that there are dangers to putting ourselves out for the world to see. Sometimes the dangers outway the positive and people are compelled to leave.. I wish her well. God Speed. And if by chance you return I hope to run into you again.

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