Saturday, May 19, 2007

We the People .......

........don't really count for much in this Representative Republic of ours if we don't make our voices heard loud and clear by the people elected to serve as our representatives in Washington.

I just finished emailing some of my Representatives the following letter. Followed up by a copy sent through the USPS.

Dear Mr. President,
Mr. Vice President,
Senator Chambliss,
Senator Isakson,


To say that I am disappointed in the proposed Senate bill, which in effect grants amnesty to Millions of illegal, criminal aliens, is to understate my disappointment in my elected Representatives of both the Executive and Legislative branches of the government.

Once a long time ago I raised my hand and took an oath to defend this country and the constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Much as you gentlemen did when you were sworn into your respective offices. I did this willingly and gladly, for I considered it both my duty and privilege to spend a portion of my life, and if necessary, to give my all for the country of my birth.

Unfortunately I now see that you did not either understand the words which you spoke, or you deliberately choose to violate that oath of office if you continue with this misguided proposed legislation.

There are clear laws and procedures by which a person from another country can come to this country and work, and eventually should they choose to, apply to become a citizen of this great country.

A person should not start their career in this country by becoming a criminal. That is an affront to every law abiding citizen, either native born or nationalized, in this country.

I realize this is a hard choice, but Mr. President, my respect for your ability to, and willingness to make and live, by the hard choices is in my opinion your greatest asset. Don’t demean yourself and your office by kowtowing to men of lesser principals.

Knowing you have all heard many solutions proposed to this difficult question, may I here submit a few suggestions which I believe would be fair and workable. I cannot take credit for originality in these as I have listened to many sides of the situation. But I believe these would serve this country well.

Step One: You enact harsh -- draconian -- penalties for any employer, no matter how large or small, who knowingly or carelessly hires someone who is in this country illegally. These employers are going to have to use the services of private sector firms that verify citizenship or legal residency. If the demand for such certifications is created, that demand will be met by private businesses. The law would require the federal government to cooperate in all respect with any companies in the business of certifying legal residency. There would also be harsh penalties for any landlord who knowingly or carelessly rented living quarters to anyone not in this country legally.

Step Two: All federal funds would be withheld from any cities or other local governments who refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities in the enforcement of our immigration laws. This would put an end to this "Sanctuary City" nonsense.

Step Three: A law would be passed that would allow U.S. Businesses to hire temporary workers who are not legal residents of the United States. All of this hiring would be done through federally licensed but privately operated employment agencies. The companies using the temporary labor would make all payments to the employment agencies, and the employment agencies would in turn pay the temporary workers. The penalties for any payments made by employers to temporary workers outside of this system would be harsh. Very harsh. Say, for instance, denial of any rights to hire temporary workers through this program again.

Step Four: U.S. law would require that any foreign person seeking work in the United States through the temporary worker program would have to have a temporary worker card issued by the United States. Without this card the employment agencies would not be permitted to bring these people into the U.S. for temporary work assignments.

Step Five: The temporary worker cards would only be issued in that worker's home country. Nowhere else. In other words, if you are already in the United States you would have to return to your home country to be issued a card. If you chose to remain in the United States you would be unable to find any work because you would be ineligible to be hired through the federally licensed employment agencies, and no employer would dare take a chance on the fines that would result from paying you outside of the federal temporary worker program. I see no reason to fine these criminals and allow them to stay here. Criminals should be deported to the country from whence they came.

Step Six: When a U.S. company need some workers, construction, agricultural ... whatever, that company would go to one of the federally licensed employment agencies and put in an order. That agency would then arrange to have the needed workers brought into the country and would arrange for their temporary housing. The employer would be billed for these costs. When the temporary work assignment was over the agency would provide transportation either back to the temporary workers home country or to the next temporary job. All payments to the temporary workers would cease until another assignment was found.

One other thing I my self would do is to eliminate the automatic granting of citizenship to a child of foreigners born in this country. We might could have justified that at one time, but no longer. If a foreigner wants to apply for citizenship in this country let them go thru the steps required to obtain that right.

Sirs, the privilege of a reply from each of you with your opinion of how to solve this problem of the invasion of our country and the violation of our sovereignty would be much appreciated by this old Veteran

Larry E. Dunagan
Address and phone # included to them
but left off here to avoid spam from idiots.

Do I expect that they will personally read this? Not really, although one can hope I guess. Will the minions who do read it bother to mention it to the individuals themselves. Again I have no great hopes.

But, if we are to avert the time when we should shoot the bastards, we have to at least have on record an attempt to get our opinions through to them. If no good comes of it then we can consider our duty to warn them of their folly fulfilled.

I don't ask much here on this blog. It started as an attempt to express some of the things that bother me. It has become a way to keep in touch with some fine folks, and attempt to meet other fine folks from all over the world.

Say a little prayer for our country and it's leadership if you are so inclined this evening.

I know I will, here in the Kudzu.


Jean said...

Excellent letter!

prayer offered...

Jean said...

p.s. your additions to your blog roll... made me blush.

kdzu said...

I only calls um as I sees um.

Jean said...

you sweet man!